Re: [-empyre-] welcome

Hello All

Firstly, a brief introduction, at Melinda's request. I'm Jesse Reynolds, I am a founding director and part owner of Virtual Artists Pty Ltd ( We are based in Adelaide, Australia and provide web, email, and streaming media hosting services, as well as website backend development utilising such things as VCe, 4D, Cocoon, XML, XSL, Java ...

Secondly, Melinda do you think could have a rule that all emails to the list must be in plain text, and not styled with HTML? Your welcome email (below) looks like the default Microsoft Outlook Express format, which composes in Arial and unfortunately appears in very very tiny text in Eudora, making it damn hard to read. Please? :-)



At 2:45 PM +1100 6/1/02, Melinda Rackham wrote:
welcome to -empyre-

-empyre- is a soft space where invited guests from the media arts field - artists, theorists, curators, producers and admisistrators can discuss their projects, publications, productions, and share knowledge and experience. it's specific to the issues which surround media arts, without necessarily being academically referenced, nor concerned with deliniating areas of practice into interactive, or digital, or net, or rom, or pda, or web, or text, or flash art.

how it works:
guests will send out an initial email statement about thier work/project/publiction, and then for two or so weeks will be open to comment, questions, discussion around the topics. on 15 january 2002 the discussion starts with Ollivier Dyens ( bio at <> ) who has generously agreed to be the test guest..
a new guest will be invited at regular intervals..currently every second month, however depending on the level of interaction perhaps i will make it more or less frequent. administratively there may still some glitches to be ironed out over the next few weeks as well - the net is never a seamless experience.

many people have subscribed since i opened the list a few days ago which is great.. and leads me to think a lot of you want something extra in the way of content from your email.. however i know i get enormous amount of email in my in box everyday, a lot of it duplicated info which i have to filter out..
-empyre- is not the place for conference announcements, or art show invitations or email text works. i think we are all connected to (often too) many networks which provide these functions already.
If anyone consistantly spams the list, sends attachments, or is abusive towards other members i will unsubscribe them.

as i have made the subscriber list invisible so that it can't be harvested by bulk emailers, i would encourage people to post a brief introduction to the list before the first guest arrives. i'm glad to see new names, as well as so many subscribers whom iv'e known in other hard and digital realms over the years, and i look forward to your participation, which has always been informative and stimulating... often contraversial and sometimes extremely funny.

-empyre- is an experiment in this format, and like most mailing lists will have an organic lifespan generating its unique rhythms, highs ands lows, jumping between furious pace and slow silences... basically -empyre- will live or die according to your input, - you are the animating fluid of -empyre-

Melinda Rackham


      Jesse Reynolds - Virtual Artists Pty Ltd -
                                                 jesse (at)

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